Windows Server 2008 R2 WinSXS folder too big? Want to delete it? Here’s how.

Is that Disk Cleanup button missing on your drive properties? Do you have a huge Windows\Winsxs folder or are struggling for space? Well, if Disk Cleanup is missing from your system, or doesn’t look like the picture above, you can download a hotfix from Microsoft given a few simple preconditions. For Windows Server 2008 R2 […]

Installing IIS On Windows Server 2008 R2

After installing Windows Server 2008 R2, you may be scratching your head trying to work out where Internet Information Services (IIS) is. Well, it’s not installed by default, so the natural thing would be to go to the traditional ‘add/remove windows features” dialog. However, things have changed in Windows Server 2008 R2! – You start […]